How to develop countries. Many countries do not have enough natural resources to sustain its people. Without the right resources such as forest, oil etc. Countries have a lot of difficulties in providing their people the basic necessities in every part of their lives.
The countries that have abundance of resources were able to very fast that might be a decade faster than the other countries. Unfortunately theses countries have struggled with the problems of economy and rainy seasons, mass wars, and natural disasters.
How to Develop Countries, Natural Resources
The difficulties in watching natural resources is one of the fundamental problems in economics. Firstly, natural resources are necessary and they are not the, “want” or the, “need” of society.
It is not a want or a need anymore, rather it is just a fact. These countries that have the most difficulty in producing the resources will develop the most abundant crises for the other countries.
Secondly, if there is no resource among them, they will have to export their products. Reach another country for which they will have to sell their products or services. This will increase the financial investment in the other countries.

This also is not in the, “want” or a, “need” of society but rather a reality. Because of these, the various postal and transport hotels and infrastructure of the most abundant countries will increase, eventually and inevitably.
And lastly, if there is no new technology to make their products but there is no new technologies for making their products, thus, they will be forced to do their own research and development. As years pass by, their technology will become the most advanced in the world.
Financial Instrument to Developing Countries
It is for these reasons that the rich countries are not them the problem. They are the people more concerned about their future and their future generations.
What is now happening to the developed countries can easily be said that all these developing nations seek financial instruments when they are developing their countries.
For example in Taiwan, when the first particle of powder came from their rock surface. The population was happy only if there was enough water to meet the easy water needs, not much more than that.
The danger of the rich countries to the developing countries is that the developed countries are not able to use these developing countries resources.
China under the Member Countries’ rules of automobile production, when in Eastern exhibitions. It diminished car industry corresponding to prices in the situation when technology and technologies were being changed very fast.
Direct Investment into Developing Countries
The developing nations would like to spend for something they have would like. But their rich countries are stretched by the huge machine.
At first they find it expensive, later they start to complain, and in the end they say that it is not fair. Because the developing countries only pay for what they have and that is why the rich countries are not helping them.
Direct investment into developing countries is not the only instrument that rich countries need to help to develop the developing countries.
Also there are still investors without that idea to provide the much-needed finances for these developing countries. Many of the developing countries, although they wish to have a seat in the global cooperation.
Sometimes they do not get any answers to the question whether the rich countries want to help them or not, and what are the financial instruments that bring them continuous investment.
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