Uncharted 4 Review: The fantastic Combat Game

Uncharted 4 review is grow up then series before it same looks like technology developers are growing rapidly. The uncharted 4 is one modern console game. You can play best PS4 exclusive games now and get a more fun feel. 

More PS4 exclusive games for this time in 2021. The part of PlayStation 4 exclusive games is “Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End.” What do you think about this? This game is so amazing. This game will be serial until now. 

In this article, You can get more information about PS4 exclusive games with the title “Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End.” You can change your mind when reading it, the thrill of playing the game.

Do you need to play PS4 exclusive games? You must know about the game, You can get information about that in here now.


You must know, before you play the game “Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End.” You have to know about the background or plot of the games. If you know this, You can play it with more feeling. So, do you know about the plot of these games? Maybe yes or no. 

Nathan Drake has been thirsty to search for a variety of artefacts in the past. Not only that, when Nathan searches for more artefacts it is going to affect the secret of the city. But, from this Nathan Drake had to accept a harsh reality. 

Especially considering what happened last time makes his relationship with Elena come to an end. From this, Nathan Drake ended all adventures and became a man with normal works. 

But, all will be changed. Why? Because, the brother of Nathan Drake showed up at all the doors. Sam Drake tells all about experience and has recourse to Nathan Drake, Libertia wall (Utopia City). Libertia is believed to be a treasure city. 

From this, Nathan chooses to fulfill Sam’s needs. He rather destroyed his relationship with Elena. Therefore, you can play Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End PS4 exclusive games now. 


Uncharted 4 review will be drawing like a treasure hunter. In hunting time, there must be a lot of challenges and obstacles. Nathan Drake has to get through it all by himself. 

There is a lot to go through and it can not be empty handed, including fighting with other people. So, this moment it’s become a fantastic combat. This is what is strain for PS4 exclusive games users. 

Your protagonist should fight with opponents. Whatever, Uncharted 4 always brings a concept action third person shooter. So, the combat is full of shoot action. This combat looks fantastic and makes You fun to play it. 

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The pounding of the snipers was more felt. Your protagonist’s characteristic, could not shoot all targets with snipers carelessly. Why? Because your place to take over will be destroyed when opponents attack your place.

In this PS4 exclusive games, You sued to active move if you do not need to lose this game. Not only shoot action, in here You can jump, hang, and glide on steel roads while giring opponents with a sniper. You can imagine this is a good action and strain. 



You must know, game Uncharted 4 review has a lot of drastic changes. The one of the changes in Uncharted 4 is the playing system. Now, Uncharted 4 has a multiplayer mode. 

The multiplayer mode will increase value on this game. With this mode, it won’t bore you when it plays. In this mode, could make You open all weapons and characteristics customized. 

Not only that, with this mode You can change all tools You bring into combat. Even your uniforms can change to suit your needs. Until, You can choose railery by yourself and this will make You laugh. 

The Uncharted 4 review PS4 exclusive games will be simply explained. This multiplayer mode looks like a combination of gameplay (multiplayer mode in The Last of US). The character who was attacked will not die if aided by another player. 

In Uncharted 4 the game has a store system. What do you think about the store system? So, when You are in combat this system will make big changes, like strengthening the equipment used or renting a sidekick.

You can see this, Uncharted 4 can make You fun when playing in spare time. So, do not be late to get PS4 exclusive games now. 

When You need to fulfill your spare time, You can invite more people to play Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. You can invite your friends, family, or a couple now. Do not be late bro. 

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The Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End maybe is a big lifework by Naughty Dog. What’s for? This lifework for console PlayStation 4, PS4 exclusive games. 

The Uncharted 4 is a lifework with good visuals and can make people interested. With the concept of the games so dynamic, it looks better and fantastic. Look like the title of the game, “A Thief’s End,” this game is the end of life, do not know if it’s over happy or sad. 

In the end, only the player can determine it. So, how long will you wait to play this one? The PS4 exclusive games it’s better than the others. When you are ready, You can try Uncharted 4 on PlayStation 4. 


The PS4 exclusive gamesdetails, as follow as; 
Development : Naughty Dog
Rate : T or Teen  
Genre : General, modern, action, adventure, and linear. 
Release date : May 10, 2016
Price : $ 19.99 at PlayStation store 

-Storytelling and presentation in video game has a new standard sets
-Visual so excellent 
-Multiplayer games make hooked
-Options and items unlockable

-The third-person shooting was archaic 
-Single player shooting was stale 
-Platform was flagrancy 



Uncharted 4 is story about way of Nathan Drake as a former treasure hunter. But, his brother showed up all about anything. From this, Nathan have a dream to fullfil his brother needs. Nathan go on adventure in Libertia.  This is PS4 exclusive games

Uncharted 4 review: A Thief’s End. You can remember it and if You have a spare time, You can play it. 
